Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cheese list

If dogs worked behind the counter at the nationwide sub shop they would handle it differently.  Yes, if you are employed by the sub shop for longer than a week, it would be logical that the list of five cheeses is easily memorized. However, be aware, that if you recite the five cheeses to a customer that doesn't know the cheeses and the cheeses are stated in a condescending, monotone, rapid-fire cadence (like thank you sire I'll have another in boot camp) it is not helpful, in fact it is fringe-rude.  State the cheeses slowly and articulate the syllables, like dogs might if they were the artists behind the glass counter.  Am-er-i-can.  Pro-vo-lone.  Pepp-er-jack until a rightful conclusion.

1 comment:

  1. I think maybe you should lay off the sub shops for a bit.
